The Rising Smoke

Ascendit fumus

For some time, I’ve thought about writing a blog on Catholic spirituality for the modern world. So much of what I encounter online is highly critical of internal conflicts in the Church, of traditionalists or modernists, or of other faith traditions. I need a place of calm meditation without the anger and negative energy.

Sede Vacante, The Vatican Crest during Papal TransitionsIt seems appropriate that this blog begins on March 1, 2013 – the first day of the sede vacante following the resignation of Benedict XVI. That period when the seat of Peter is empty is an important time for the Church – a time of reflection and coming together. Historically, it has been a time of mourning for the death of a pope. But as the now pope emeritus enters retirement alive and well, and conclave sped up to ensure an election before Easter, I fear we are rushing through this important moment to look back at where we’ve been, where we are, and as the body of the Church, articulate our hopes for the future.

I’m hoping this site will provide an honest forum for clear engagement with scripture, prayer, and liturgy. Like any encounter with God, it’s deeply personal, but I’m hoping that writing out my thoughts will be of use to others as well.

Ascendit fumus is Latin for rising smoke. In the Catholic tradition, incense is burned during rituals to engage our senses of sight and smell. It can be traced back to the tradition of burning offerings in ancient Jewish temples. Thus, it is associated with offering something up to God. The rising of the smoke reminds us to lift our eyes to the heavens.

This blog is both an offering and a personal reminder to lift my eyes to the heavens. Welcome!

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